October 18, 2024
interview with Deepka Joshi

interview with Deepka Joshi

Swapna : Can you share with us what inspired you to write “Golden Days” and delve into the process of transforming your life experiences into a memoir?

Deepak Joshi : In a time of rapidly weakening traditional values and family ties, it was my humble beginning, close-knit family, parents, brother, and friends, and the unseen success of a commoner that propelled me to write Golden Days.

Swapna : Your background as a Master Mariner from Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, and your upbringing in various Indian cities offer a unique perspective. How do you believe your diverse experiences have shaped both your life and your storytelling?

Deepak Joshi : Diverse experiences taught me adaptability to different people and learning different cultures in the process; my upbringing in different cities helped me shape a better individual by inheriting different cultures and being respectful.

Swapna : Throughout “Golden Days,” you touch upon themes of friendship, familial ties, and the joys of life’s simple pleasures. Can you elaborate on why you chose to focus on these particular aspects of your life and what significance they hold for you?

Deepak Joshi : Life is incomplete without relations; if you remove relationships from Life, there will be no life. Family and friends form a core nucleus of one’s life, and they are like a mirror through which you can really see the positive and negative aspects. Good family and good friends will lead your life to a path of success.

Swapna : One of the strengths of your memoir is its ability to engage readers with vivid storytelling and relatable anecdotes. Could you discuss your approach to narrative style and how you aimed to connect with your audience through your writing?

Deepak Joshi : Every common man’s life is a story of myriad emotions. Happiness, pain and so on. The approach to breaking up life experiences story-wise enables the readers to understand each stage the author documents and relish it.

Swapna : “Golden Days” not only chronicles the entirety of your journey but also honors those who influenced you along the way. Could you tell readers more about the process of reflecting on these major individuals in your life and how they’ve influenced your development as a person and maybe as a writer?

Deepak Joshi : The process of reflecting on major individuals is my acknowledgment of their efforts in shaping me as an individual, and we should always credit the individuals who help us in shaping our careers and our values.

Swapna : Can you tell us about your writing process? How did you summarise many experiences in a book? Did you follow your instinct or any particular process?

Deepak Joshi : I just followed my instinct and started compiling the various experiences stage by stage.

Deepak Joshi : No. Not really.

Swapna : Did you come across any moments in the book that you wished had turned out a different way in real?

Swapna : Who has been the biggest supporter of your writing?

Deepak Joshi : My mother has been the biggest supporter of my writing.

Swapna : What do you think should be the role of social media in the life of an author?

Deepak Joshi : Social media should highlight the positives of the Author and appreciate his thoughts and ideas.

Swapna : If you got the opportunity to get your book, “Golden Days” turned into a movie, which actors would you want to portray your main character?  

Deepak Joshi :  I think Ayushman Khurana would be the best fit to portray my character.

Click here to Buy Book By Deepak Joshi

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