Author Ruchi Prabhu’s romantic fiction title, “Hearts In Transit” is a mesmerising exploration of love, ambition and...
In a world where happiness is often misconstrued as something to be chased or purchased, this remarkable...
This knowledge-rich as well as enlightening religious title, “Divine Virtues For Eternal Peace” is a luminous interpretation...
Author Introduction Shabary Bhattacharya is the Director of Vidhyadhanya Foundation, a non profit charitable Organisation based from...
1. “Tao of Mysticism: The Way of Agnostic Universalism “, your book blends teachings from diverse spiritual...
This inspiring title, “Hausla Fir Bhi Buland Hai” is a soul-stirring collection of Hindi Poetry that speaks...
Comprehending Divinity: Quantum Leap to Divine Intelligence by Dr. Meena Patel is a thought-provoking and enriching exploration...
Through this empowering title, “Pregnancy, Childbirth And Motherhood” author Lata Bajaj provides the readers a deeply personal...
We are thrilled to announce the release of The Lost Letters of Her Heart, a mesmerizing poetry...
Author Rochi Kale’s insightful title, “Tay-lore” is an intimate and powerful exploration of Taylor Swift, one of...