March 12, 2025

BELSNAPILA VALYAMARAM is a narrative novel that consists of various stages of a human’s greediness and deep-rooted desires, new theme plots, and imaginary metaphors well depicted within thirteen chapters, inclusive of symbolic scene settings and many interesting combinations of characters in and around the core of the storyline.

An ideal novel and its characters must be interesting in general to all readers in particular to the novelist who will stitch the threads of the main story theme. These are descriptions of an imaginary or real incident, situation,s and event which are being narrated either for entertainment or connecting to a relationship of past events in someone’s life or in the development of something which is of interest to others.

Novels are small windows into another universe and other people’s minds, offering an opening to another dreamy world which are considered journeys that we could make out to the far side of the globe. An ideal novel will often be more focused, as all the elements within—plot, character, pacing, various incident structure, and so on—must work together towards this common goal.

As I made a journey through the Sameer’s debut novel titled “ Belsanappile ValiyaMaram (The Big Tree of Belsanappil) discovered that the formulation of all significant highlights of turns used in this novel is actually well polished and provoked for acceptance by the reader’s mind. But my review wouldn’t be complete if I fail to mention the augmented view that all chapters offer a bunch of well-penned threads from gifted novelist Sameer, who hails from Kannur in the state of Kerala in India.

Many conflicts and clashes of ideologies on characters put into a situation where something changes and in which they need to grow, this has brought the valuable readers into an interesting imaginary world to invoke emotional modification in the minds of readers. This is the feeling or emotion authors want to give to readers, and what all the elements in this novel will work together to achieve. All story narrating threads has been constructed within the frameworks of key moments in this novel.

The novel ends in such a way focusing on the moods and moments of the characters trying to create and ask a questions self: what would be the most satisfying way for the ending to capture a climax and a proper conclusion Remember, a novel is still a collection of turns and twists, which means the plot has to make sense, and nothing should be too obvious. Does the ending follow naturally from where the story began? Does it make intelligence? If the answer is “Yes”, then the novel is a success.

A non-earth setting is the real key element of high fantasy which is well distinguished from low fantasy, with the background of a setting, unlike earth. This “secondary world” might have many different things that make it distinct from earth, including different animals, plants, races and cultures, cities, civilization structures, belief systems, and more.

A world-level conflict: A major element that distinguishes high fantasy from other kinds of fantasy, like sword and sorcery, is a high-stakes of conflict among human minds; this is what usually puts the entire world in jeopardy. High-fantasy plots often use the archetype of good versus evil to further distinguish the all good guys from the evil.

While it’s not a strict requirement of high-fantasy literature, most high-fantasy books feature a main hero or heroine who must fight off the evil forces and save the world. In many cases, this hero begins in a childlike state and must mature rapidly to stand up to the conflict. Alternatively, they might go on an extensive quest to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to face the opposing forces.

Historic or unusual technologies: Most high-fantasy stories take place in worlds with much different technology than currently exists on Earth. These stories often incorporate swords, knives, hand-to-hand combat, and other historical technologies or fighting styles.

Many high-fantasy stories have a magic system the fantasy characters use or are aware of, and the magic might be a powerful tool or a major force in the plot of the story, well handled by Novelist Sameer.

I extend my heartfelt congratulation to Novelist Sameer who did a marvelous job in bringing out this wonderful novel imaginative and aesthetic in its craft and structure. High fantasy is a type of fantasy literature that uses a daydream setting or secondary world to tell an imaginary non-existing environment, this is really applicable for Sameer, a dedicated novelist, and film enthusiast from Kerala state in India.

Reviewer: Williamsji Maveli

Title: “Belsnapile ValyaMaram”

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing

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