Author Saanvi Dinesh Jiwankar’s children’s action and adventure title, “The Magical Secrets” is an enchanting dive into...
This remarkable title, “Empowering Voters” belonging to the category of ‘Political Science’ by author Maggy MacNikol is...
Poet Jyoti Kiran’s poignant and mesmerising collection of poetry, “Bhula Nhi tha Tumhein Maa Devkinandan” offers a...
The popular quote, “Not all those who wander are lost” by the legendary English author and philologist,...
True to its title and justifying it in every way possible, Deepak Joshi’s “Golden Days” is a...
Life can be too mysterious sometimes and one cannot even dare to imagine what results would occur...
Yoga has been a practice of ancient times, but it is only in recent years that it...
Author’s Background: Sujatha Rao is an author and a retired banker. She retired from an active...
Author’s Background: Author CA Vyomessh Pathak is a Chartered Accountant by profession, and his journey as a...
Author Vyomessh Pathak’s religious and spiritual title, “Miracle(S) Of Rudraksha – Mystical Insights” is a comprehensive exploration...