The Asian Literature: Welcome to The Asian Literature, author. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book.
Author: This book is a boon for PG students as it beautifully explains all topics with all practical points which PG students face during their residency. I am sure this book will definitely lead them to success.
The Asian Literature: What encourages you to become an Author?
Author: I have always liked teaching students and sharing my experiences with them so when I got an opportunity to be a part of this book I happily agreed.
The Asian Literature: What are your favorite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your interest areas in the literature.
Author: I have interest in high risk pregnancy and laparoscopy.
The Asian Literature: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had inspired you and whom you follow!
Author: Dr Suchitra Pandit and Dr Harish Doshi are some of the writers whose work inspired me.
The Asian Literature: The titles seem different and catchy; how you decided it? Please let us know the story behind it.
Author: The credit definitely goes to Dr Krishnan and our senior authors.
The Asian Literature: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.
Author: I have completed my fellowship in Laparoscopy and Colposcopy. I have published more than 15 papers in various reputed journals and have been part of various research studies.
The Asian Literature: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?
Author: As part of knowledge sharing exercise, I wish to author more number of books and publish more of my research works and papers.
The Asian Literature: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.
Author: Efforts are on in this direction. Shall come out at appropriate time.
The Asian Literature: How you see Indian writing in the 21st century? What changes do you see in the modern way of writing? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?
Author: Yes definitely, as I find it the trend is more student friendly emphasizing more on practical points
The Asian Literature: How easy/ difficult it was for you to publish your book? What message would you like to give to budding authors?
If they have interest in teaching and writing they should definitely pursue it.
Author: Indeed it is difficult to find time for writing and publishing a book or paper. But sharing of new experiences and spreading the knowledge within the fraternity multiplies the noble effort.