March 12, 2025

“Life can be too mysterious sometimes and one cannot even imagine what results would occur when those mysteries would be unveiled. One can only hope that the mysteries would result for something sweet and pleasant.”

Well, through this title, One Trillionth Of A Second – A Quest” author P Ram has presented the readers with a brilliant criminal thriller story. The book covers a great story revolving around some of the main characters and the incidents of their lives. The readers are bound to feel the thrill while going through this amazing novel. In addition, the manner in which the author has narrated the storyline along with a great dose of twists and turns in the plot is truly makes this novel a reading worthy one!

About the Author: Author P Ram, is a vivid reader of scientific psychology crime thrillers and enjoys watching medical sciences movies involving human brain. He likes travelling with family and enjoys scenic beauty by communing with nature often. Nature enthrals him to plunge into the arcane depths of its secrets. His wish to develop imaging systems and signatures for all senses in addition to thermal signatures provides sufficient energy to study and understand these systems’ usage in solving criminal cases. He enjoys reading scientific articles in newspapers and published research works in various journals on the latest science and technology coupled with social sciences. He was an editor in school-level magazines and participated in science fairs and exhibitions. He attended seminars and elocution competitions since childhood.

Book’s Introduction: This book, “One Trillionth Of A Second – A Quest” by author P Ram narrates an amazing story, which carries the backdrop of the scientific world and comes under the category of ‘Crime Thriller!’ The book introduces the primary character Astrid, who is an investigative journo having a scientific bent of mind, how she used five senses imaging systems, smell signature, sound signature along with thermal signatures to track the evil designs of her opponents with the help of her childhood friend John, tries to expose the evil deeds of Abraham, a neurologist. Abraham, who is one of the another primary character in the story believed his activities as safe, genuine and beneficial for the rewiring of the human brain!

Whereas, Astrid believed that the path taken by Abraham was wrong and followed Brain-Computer Interface without external support. This enmity resulted in a physical attack by Abraham on Astrid. After escaping that attack, Astrid’s resolve for exposing Abraham strengthens further. Moreover, the author has presented a great storyline through the ‘30 Reading Worthy Chapters’ in this book.

Book Title: The title, “One Trillionth Of A Second – A Quest” for this book, which is scientific crime thriller title is certainly an appropriate one, with reference to the collection of chapters added to this book by the Author. In addition, it is a very ‘Catchy Title’ and this is something, which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you as a reader to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is giving a very suspenseful as well as interesting vibe so you would feel the urge to go inside the chapters!

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much “Justified” with regards to the sequence of the chapters in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt for this suspense fictional book and the Author had been extremely wise to go for a title like this one.

Readers Connect: Well, the Authorhas done a great work with the plot of his novel and he had completely succeeded in creating a unique storyline. The book presents an interesting concept with the backdrop of a scientific world, where some strong characters are portrayed as well. The plot is designed very cleverly by the author presents a story, which is bound to kindle the interest of the readers!

Another very important aspect of this book is that the narration made by the Author is indeed engrossing & interesting and the language used in this book is so lucid, that it would totally hook the readers until the very last page. Moreover, this is a book, which will make the readers think about the plot for several times, even after completing the book.

Verdict: A Book like “One Trillionth Of A Second – A Quest” is for sure a Must-Read oneand deserves a chance. The way Author had penned down the stories in his book is indeed breath taking and deserves an appreciation. His work is praise worthy as he has succeeded in creating a successful title in the competitive genre of crime thriller!

Moreover, if you are one of those readers, who is looking forward to read a worthy Suspense Fiction plot with a high dose of unexpected twists & turns then this book is undoubtedly a great fit for you. P Ramis a promising author, who is very honest with his writings, which can be felt in his spectacular stories. The readers are bound to love this book.

Book: One Trillionth Of A Second – A Quest

Author: P Ram

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (2022)

Total Pages: 363

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

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